Green thumbs for everyone! Teach your pupils about horticulture and hydroponics with this hands-on printable science…
Use a lesson that provides students with an opportunity to learn about the animals and plant life that live in various…
This science printable about plants challenges students to identify the parts of a seed and the stages of germination.
This printable science activity focuses on the four main parts of plants. Students will identify and label the parts of…
Connect chemistry and botany with this life science printable. Students will correct false statements about…
Create a class garden with this lesson plan. Your students will observe the growth of the plants after the garden has…
Before starting a unit on life science, give students this diagnostic test to assess their knowledge of plants, animals,…
Use the questions in this science printable to review the characteristics of living things.
Use this multiple-choice and written-response printable science exam in your classroom to your test students' knowledge…
Test students' knowledge of plant structure and function with this printable science exam. Students will label the parts…
This printable science activity focuses on fossil facts, allowing students to learn about fossils by writing vocabulary…
Try a printable science activity that focuses on modes of seed travel.